Do I have to correct my teeth and pull them out? criteria for non-extraction of teeth

Do I have to correct my teeth and pull them out? criteria for non-extraction of teeth

Hello, I’m Kimpo Orthodontics Yonsei University.Orthodontic treatment is necessary to make the right alignment of teeth.However, it is difficult to understand about orthodontic treatment with general knowledge, but I am concerned about the basic diagnosis of orthodontic treatment and the standard of tooth extraction and non-extraction.As more and more people dislike tooth extraction because they want to protect their natural teeth, let’s find out what criteria they can use to identify teeth that can be extracted and teeth that must be pulled out.

If you are about to correct your teeth, I think one of the things that worries you is whether or not you have a tooth extraction, but there are many diagnostic criteria considering whether or not you have a tooth extraction correction.In order to examine this in detail, a comprehensive judgment and a dental correction plan are needed, including an X-ray analysis, an analysis based on the patient’s oral condition, and an analysis of the patient’s eye hair.

First of all, it may be difficult to see if the teeth are lined up in a row.Even though the space between the teeth is limited like the lower and upper teeth, the teeth continue to grow, and at this time, the teeth may be out of alignment and pushed out.In the process, malocclusion occurs, but when malocclusion is severe like this, the tooth is pulled out, the tooth space is secured, and the bent tooth is stretched correctly.

First of all, orthodontic treatment depends on whether it is possible to secure space in the tooth space, depending on whether the tooth extraction and non-extraction are determined.If the condition of malocclusion is serious, the probability of having to correct the tooth extraction through a precise diagnosis increases.However, if partial malocclusion and tooth alignment are not severe, smooth orthodontic treatment will be possible through non-extraction, transparent orthodontic treatment, so please refer to it.

In addition, if the mouth and lips protrude badly, it is highly likely that the tooth will have to be pulled out. In this case, small back teeth may be pulled out to create oral space because the front teeth can be moved backward to correct the protruding mouth.However, since it is a universal standard, it is important to judge the oral condition of individuals comprehensively and make appropriate judgments.If there is not enough space in the dental ridge for orthodontic treatment, it is a standard for temporary extraction. However, there are some dentists who overdo medical treatment and force tooth extraction without knowing the exact oral structure or condition.Depending on the condition of your teeth and mouth, you can get a satisfactory dental correction result if you choose Gimpo Orthodontics, which examines the condition of your teeth and makes a diagnosis according to your oral structure.Kimpo Orthodontics Yonsei Phil Dentistry is where one director is paying attention to the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up management necessary for orthodontics.Many residents have visited this dentist to correct their teeth for many years, and I am still satisfied with this dental clinic.If you have any questions about Gimpo orthodontics or non-extracting orthodontics, please contact Yonsei University.Kimpo Orthodontics Yonsei Phil Dentistry is where one director is paying attention to the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up management necessary for orthodontics.Many residents have visited this dentist to correct their teeth for many years, and I am still satisfied with this dental clinic.If you have any questions about Gimpo orthodontics or non-extracting orthodontics, please contact Yonsei University.ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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